Over the past year, we’ve been intensely studying how our innovation and change solutions are playing a key role for many organizations that are facing an endless stream of challenges and opportunities.
Our conclusion is organizations that can scale new and innovative solutions quickly build an enduring competitive advantage. While some may focus on change or innovation, ultimately both are necessary to succeed. We need to simultaneously be great innovators and great leaders of change.
So why refresh our brand?
With the belief that both innovation and change are essential to enhancing our clients’ results, we created a unified branding for our products, Design Thinker and ExperienceChange, that reflects the power of combining the two.
Our brand refresh enables flexibility, new opportunities and growth.
Without further adieu…
We’ve refreshed the current ExperiencePoint branding...
Design Thinker becomes...
And the current ExperienceChange becomes...
We now have a unified typeface for both products and consistent icon styles that incorporate creating solutions and engaging the system.
Going Forward.
Ultimately, ExperiencePoint’s brand isn’t about our new logos. It’s about the impact, both big and small, that our partners and clients are achieving with our Innovation and Change solutions.
With our eyes focused on the future and how we and our partners can grow, we hope you will share in our excitement and enthusiasm as we take this next step. Buckle up, it’s going to be thrilling.
Greg, James & the ExperiencePoint Team
What's the secret behind companies often regarded as Game Changers?
Your free PDF download includes our perspective on the two key disciplines that allow companies to develop the instincts to create great solutions and the reflexes to make them a reality. Download your copy today!